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Instant Interiors Australia | Property Styling Sydney

Instant Interiors Australia – Property Styling Sydney

At Instant Interiors Property Styling, we pride ourselves on supplying an exceptional product which gives our vendors a superior edge in a competitive marketplace, securing a timely sale and maximum sale price.

Sydney’s No. 1 Property Stylists TM, are renowned for creating ‘awe-inspiring’ interiors that enhance the aesthetic appeal of each property we style, focusing on attracting the exact demographic of your potential buyers.

Buyers want to be inspired and want to have their emotions heightened to know that the home they walk into is ‘out of the ordinary’, welcoming and are excited about their new life/lifestyle they will have in that home.

View Properties Styled for Sale

First impression counts…
and last impression is what buyers will act on.

Sydney’s premier property stylists’ views your property from a buyers perspective. Instant Interiors’ home staging team, highlights your properties best features, showcases functional spaces transforming them into emotionally engaging living areas, inspiring purchasers to BUY. A home staging professional focus’s on establishing a co-ordinated visually pleasing effect creating light and space in each room.

Why Instant Interiors?

Unique Furnishings & Accessories

Our extensive selection of high end premium unique furnishings

15 Years in Industry

Outstanding quality of service and consistency for 15 years

Professional Stylist Team

Professionally trained, competent and delightful team


The founder Gail Dempsey’s interior design skills, home staging experience and market knowledge

To gain the competitive advantage ‘styling a house for sale’ is an essential ingredient to not only present superbly on the day, but in order to stand out as a desirable home in print and online. Our home styling for sale is purposely interior designed for photography and online purposes, setting you apart from your competition.

Our Exceptional Property Staging Services

Styling a House for Sale

One bedroom apartments, grand homes or new developments, delivering our extensive selection of high end furnishings to empty properties for sale.

Partial Property Styling

Fine tuning your home for sale by simply adding fresh linen, original artworks, extra ordinary accessories and unique furniture pieces to enhance the appeal to prospective buyers and recommendations of where to focus your time and money for maximum return.

Consulting Service

To our Consulting Service person to person for your home, by viewing your property and ultimately assist you in designing your personal sanctuary, for you to love and utilise for as long as it’s your home.

Online Property Stylist

Send in photos of rooms that you require styling and we send you a written report on our suggestions on optimising the look and layout of your property. Find out more

Styling Your Home for Sale

To our detailed ‘Styling a House For Sale’ 100 DIY Tips book. You can style your property for sale just like the experts. Visit Home Staging 100 DIY Tips & Tricks

Get in Touch With Us

Instant Interiors are Sydney’s original and most respected property stylists. We are here to answer any questions you may have about our services. Contact us now for a free, no obligation quote.

Doing it yourself?

Our 150 page e-book, Home Staging 100 DIY Tips will take you step by step, room by room, to be your own ‘staging professional’ to redesign your home and present it perfectly for sale. Your $16.99 downloadable PDF document will be received immediately.


See what our clients have to say


Don’t be shy, we’re here to help


View the full range of services we have to offer

Gail Dempsey Journal

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