Do you need more space for your growing family? Are you a professional who wants to upgrade their living space? Maybe your children have grown up and left the nest and you want to scale down to a smaller house.
Whatever the reason, ultimately you are going to have to pack up your property and make the move. Don’t leave packing and organising your move to the last minute. De-cluttering and organising yourself is twofold. You end up compacting your belongings to what you love, need and use. Your home looks like it belongs to a meticulous clean and organised non consumer which we all aspire to being. By ridding yourself of what you don’t need or use or even particularly like you are freeing yourself to attract abundance. Of what? Of everything or anything you’re looking for. This is so important in the Eastern religions and Feng Shui. This can be so fulfilling and rewarding. Imagine going into your Kitchen Utensils drawer and actually seeing exactly what you have in the drawer because you’ve kept only one of three potato mashers. When you go to your bathroom cupboard to moisturise your body and have one bottle to choose from because you decided to use up your nearly empty, half empty and your travel bottles. You don’t need to throw everything out. There are many ways of getting unwanted, unused bits and pieces out of your environment.
- Use ‘The skip’ or large garbage bin
- Donate to the less fortunate
- List unwanted items on eBay
There is money to be made here. That old stereo that is sitting in the garage, trust me someone wants it and wants to pick it up and take it away and give you cash. That outdated fax machine is a winner. The kids push bikes. That old set of golf clubs. If you are not ‘auction website’ savvy, there are people out there that put your ‘stuff’ on the internet to sell and they receive a percentage of the sale for their effort. To sort through everything and decide what you are keeping and what is going, remember where you are going and what you will really need when you get there.
By relieving yourself of all the unnecessary items that surround you that don’t give your life any joy or are there for any purpose you will feel that a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You can see clearly. You are ready to completely let go of your old life in your home and ready for your new fabulous adventure in your new home. Along with ridding yourself of all the bits and pieces you have accumulated, for all intensive purposes, I need you to depersonalise your home for new prospective buyers. This means packing up your collection of frog figurines, frog salt and pepper shakers, frog door stoppers… you get the idea. Not just quirky collections but your paperback books that you would never part with because you are an avid reader, but are crowding the built in bookshelves beside the fireplace. These need to be packed up and stored outside of your property, at a friends or in a hired storage facility. Having too many personal pieces throughout your home will make buyers feel that they are invading someone’s domain instead of relaxing and spending time evaluating their life in this new home. Packing your personal items, or collections away doesn’t mean you are never going to see them again. Just wait until you move into your new home, where you can decorate with old memorabilia which includes anything to do with your religion or your political preferences. You may have very strong beliefs and have artefacts and wall hangings associated with those beliefs. By packing them away for the ‘Open For Inspection’ period doesn’t mean you are denying your way of life, just that you are welcoming people of all persuasions to be welcomed into your home and be bowled over with the property with no distractions. I cannot stress how important for the sale of your home and for you personally, it is to rid yourself of anything and everything that you don’t love, use or need.
If you are in need of a more in-depth guide to organising and styling your property for sale, take a look at our e-book Home Styling 100 DIY Tips.